Saturday, August 26, 2017

Patriot Mail Project

If you are among that small percentage that wants to help but, like me, does not have the finances to help another (let alone yourself, right?) head over to the Patriot Mail Project (on facebook) and donate a small percentage of your time to write to our Patriot Political Prisoners so they know they are not alone!  It costs nothing but a few pieces of paper, envelope and a stamp every week.  Plus you may get to continue a long since interrupted conversation and that, I can tell you, feels very good.

I can tell you from personal experience that news from the outside world means a lot to these brave men and companionship means more.  If you are unable to find the Patriot Mail Project or have found a duplicate that may not be legit, please message the page and I will send you the link to the correct group.

Please note:  If you are like me, you may not want to write them for fear of reprisal or persecution.  If you do write, be very careful in what it is that goes into the letter.  Nothing is more important than the well being of our P3s!

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